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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is the co-created experience between the client and the coach that aids in self-illumination, edification, and education. With me, we will create a better you and bring you to your ideals.

Is Coaching Right For Me?

Everyone Needs a Coach. Everyone needs someone who can be their guidance, their advisor, and their repose. A coach fulfils many needs of their clients. They aid in the realms of life planning, self-improvement, emotional development, and much more.

What can I expect in my Free First Consultation?

In the free consultation, you will introduce yourself, ask me any questions, and we will establish some goals for coaching. You will also get to learn more about me and how I work. I am a Coach, not a businessman. I work for you, not for myself.

When Can I Expect to See Results?

Visible Changes are commonly reported by my clients within the first month. 

However, I give a 90 Day Guarantee. If within 90 Days, my clients don't report any results... I will work with them for FREE until they do. 

How Can I Contact You?

Feel free to contact me through any mode of communication: 


Phone - (408)888-4587


Email -

How Many Free Sessions do I get?

In addition to the FREE 30-Minute Consultation, my clients get 3 FREE 1 HOUR SESSIONS. 

This totals to a month of FREE coaching when traditionally scheduled at once a week.

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